Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Baby Update

I just wanted to give you all a quick little update...

Well, there's still no baby.. BUT we are finally getting close! lol

I went to the Dr's yesterday and they scheduled my induction for Friday. I will actually check into the hospital on Thursday night (it still hasn't sunk in that it's TOMORROW!) to get cervidil overnight and then first thing Friday morning they will start pitocin to actually get things going. SO hopefully sometime Friday (or at the latest Saturday, but I'm trying to think positive and hope that things go quickly!) our little girl will FINALLY be here! (and what a perfect Mother's day gift!)

Obviously I would have liked to just go into labor on my own (which I guess could technically still happen, but I'm not counting on it), but I really do feel ok about doing it this way too. I know some people really hate the idea of inductions, but for whatever reason it doesn't bother me. I think that is probably because I know that no matter what at the end of this I will have my baby and that's really all that matters. (Plus I am planner and having a scheduled day and time to go in definitely makes it easier to plan things lol)

So anyways that's it for now. Today is my last day at work, I am going to take tomorrow off to just relax and get some last minute things done before heading to the hospital. I will update again once she is actually here :)


PS- I had a great time with my mom this weekend! Normally when I see her now it's with the whole family, so it was nice to get to spend time just the two of us for a few days. I would have loved for Kaylee to come while she was here, but if I had been in labor then I wouldn't have gotten to really spend any quality time with my mom. So in the end it probably worked out for the best and plus she is coming back in 2 weeks and can meet the little one then ;)

Hope you all have a good rest of the week and hopefully I will have more to update SOON!


Katie @ Loves of Life said...

I'm just beyond excited for you Jenna. You are about to start the best, most exhausting, rewarding, heart-filling journey of your life! Wait till you lay eyes on that baby girl. Ah! I'm getting choked up just thinking about it because it's SO freaking amazing!

Lindsey said...

sure was hoping that your baby update was that she was here! but i'm glad you have a plan! can't wait to read the exciting news that she is here :) thinking about you in the next few days!

Nicole said...

oh my! good luck!
sounds like we both got stuck with the stubborn babies ... i was due april 28th and im still waiting.
i have another appointment friday to check things out - if i havent delivered by then, we'll schedule an induction. i think if that 'mother day deadline' wasnt just around the corner, the waiting wouldnt bother me as much! but how i'd love to hold my baby by/on mother's day!

hope everything goes smoothly for you! cant wait to see the news!

Kate Neal Photo said...

YAY! I was hoping for a blog update (even though I am pretty clued in, lol!) I am so excited for you and am bringing some photog accesories (the ones I showed you) this weekend! I will be home Friday:o) CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!

angela.kolachny said...

hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! let me know as you get closer along, I'll be thinking of you all day tomorrow!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

How exciting! Congrats!!!!

Anonymous said...

So exciting! You're so close! =) Congrats.

The Leader said...

Awesome blog! Feel free to stop by and follow me back at as well as link up with Friendly Friday Follow