Friday, September 3, 2010

Fill in the Blank Friday

It's Friday again (YAY!) and time for Lauren's Fill in the Blank Friday. This week is about vacations which works out well since we are going on a mini beach vacation this weekend :)

1. If I didn't have to work anymore I would... ok well if I didn't have to work anymore, I think I would still want to. I actually like working and if I could do something just because I loved it and not for money I think that would be perfect.. like opening my own small business where it didn't matter how successful it ever became just as long as I was enjoying it. Sounds good right? Maybe one day.. haha

2. My favorite thing about a vacation is not having to wake up to an alarm clock.. I seriously hate that sound.

3. When packing for a trip I always overpack. It's somewhat of a problem and even though I always try to only pack what I will actually need, I still end up with a ton of extra stuff.

4. If I could go on a road trip with anyone (dead OR alive) I would choose.. not to sound cheesey, but I would choose my husband, because, we have been on a few together and I have always really enjoyed it and it's a great way to spend time just talking about anything, and we would go on a cross country road trip. We talk a lot about wanting to drive from here to CA and make tons of stops along the way to really see some of the places we wouldn't normally travel to. Hopefully one day ;)

5. My top 3 absolute travel essentials are 1) an updated ipod 2) water and snacks 3) a good book.

6. Vacations are always much needed.

7. On vacation you must always make sure to take some time for yourself and really get a chance to just relax for a litlte bit :) 

HAPPY FRIDAY! Hope you all have a great holiday weekend! ;o)

1 comment:

Marian said...

Seriously the sound of the alarm clock is the W-O-R-S-T sound ever!! I can't stand it at all. It actually makes me cringe.

Have a wonderful weekend love!!