Monday, September 14, 2009

Not Me Monday..

So I see other people doing the "not me monday" thing and figured I would give it a try... so here it goes..

I did not set my alarm on Saturday to get up early and go for a run and then wake up and go shopping instead.... nope not me.

While out shopping I did not go to wal-mart to pick up 1 thing and end up leaving with a whole car full (including a new bike).. nope I would never buy more than I planned.. not me.

I did not eat taco bell this weekend.. ew, gross. I would never eat that, not me.

I did not buy the hannah montana movie and cry while watching it... nope, not me, I am WAY too old to like that show.

I did not set my dvr to record 2 shows last night and then go upstairs to watch something else why they recorded... nope I am definitely not that obsessed with tv, not me.

I did not promise my husband that I would clean my overflowing closet and then end up throwing out only 1 bag of my stuff, but 3 bags of his to make more room... nope I wouldn't do that..

I did not stay up until 2am last night to finish reading the last harry potter book and then keep hitting the snooze button this morning and complain about being tired... nope I would never stay up that late for no good reason on a work night, not me.

1 comment:

Katie @ Loves of Life said...

hehehe ;) I laughed. I always leave Wal-Mart with more then I planned and $100 later...

I LOVE that you cleaned out Vince's stuff to make room for yours--that is classic. I love it. haha....

ps: I kind of like dumb movies like hannah montana and such, too. just sayin...