Tuesday, November 8, 2011

When did we get so old?

Last night the Eagles had a game. In previous years Vince and I would have been all about Monday night football. We would have either been out at a bar watching the game or ordering food and having a few people over.

Obviously since having a baby things change, but we still wanted to watch the game. So the plan was to put Kaylee to bed at 8pm like usual and then we would have a few beers, watch the game, and hangout just the two of us.

Well... I laid Kaylee down in her crib and then went back downstairs. I was fully expecting to find Vince watching all of the pregame shows, but instead I found him passed out on the couch. He was sound asleep. Apparently all of the rolling on the floor earlier with Kaylee had worn him out ;) 

So I woke him up and told him the game was starting. He turned his head to look at the TV for a minute and then said "how about we just go upstairs and watch the game in bed". Sounded good to me, I was way too tired to drink anyways.

We got upstairs, laid in bed, and watched about 10 minutes of the game before we were both falling asleep. By 9pm we decided to turn the TV off and go to bed.

As we were going to sleep Vince and I had this conversation:

 Vince - When did we get so old that we can't stay up to watch football?

Me - umm... probably about 6 months ago when we became parents..

Vince - Yeah. (pause) Well, it's totally worth it.

Having an baby is exhausting, but he's right it is totally worth it. Besides, when I woke up this morning and found out the Eagles lost, I was glad we didn't stay up to watch it.

Happy Tuesday :)