Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Family weekend, sippy cups, and a broken garage door

November, really? How is that even possible? I can't believe Christmas is next month already. This year is just going way too fast for me.


This past weekend I had such a good time hanging out with my little family. We got to spend a ton of time just playing with Kaylee. We finally watched Bad Teacher (which was pretty funny). Saturday we had a our first snow. Even though I am not a fan of winter it was kind of nice to be able to stay curled up inside by the fire for the afternoon. We had Vince's parents over for dinner later that night. Sunday Vince and I actually got to go on a little date for the first time in awhile. We went out to lunch and to a movie. It was nice and well overdue. Kaylee wore her Halloween costume to Sunday family dinner (since the Halloween parade was cancelled due to the snow). After Kaylee was in bed we finished the weekend with a little wine and Friday Night Lights (Vince is hooked on this show now too).

All in all it was a perfectly nice, relaxing weekend.


Eating solids has been going great so I decided it was time to start trying sippy cups too. (we aren't giving her juice just water and occasionally I will put her formula in there instead) At first she didn't get it at all, but the past couple of days she is holding it and bringing it to her mouth to drink. After a minute of so she usually just ends up laughing and playing with it, but it's funny to watch and she is slowly getting the hang of it.


Yesterday morning when we were both getting ready to leave for work Vince went to open the garage door and it wasn't working. No idea what happened, but it's completely jammed and broken. At first we couldn't even get it to manually open at all and I was worried we weren't going to be able to get our cars out. Thankfully after a playing with it Vince got the door open, but it's still messed up and super annoying. We called the builder to come fix it (thankfully since it's new construction everything is still under warranty) hopefully he can get it done sometime this week.


I have the best mom ever.

Vince and I have a wedding in December that is in the city and won't be over until late so I was going to need to get someone to watch Kaylee overnight. (Vince's parents and brothers are all going to the wedding too so that wasn't an option) Vince's aunt offered to keep her at her house and I said OK, but was already kind of stressing out about leaving her all night for the first time. So my mom called and offered to fly here for the weekend and watch her for us. It makes me feel SO much better about leaving her knowing she is going to still be at home in her own crib (plus there's really no one I trust more than my mom to watch her).

Now I can look forward to a night out and not have to worry (OK... I'll probably still worry, but not as much!). So a BIG thank you to my mom, love you! :)


Hope you all had a great Halloween, I loved seeing everyone's costumes!

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