Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Random Bits and Pieces and A Video

Last night sucked. We lost the Sugar Bowl (stupid refs).

I stayed up till midnight watching in suspense (and tweeting with my favorite hokies of course) and holding my breath hoping we would win it in overtime. It was so close.  

I woke up this morning tired and cranky about the loss, but no matter what I still love my Hokies.

On a more positive note, New Years was a lot of fun. Vince's parents and a couple of their family and friends rented a house down at the beach for the weekend. It's nice because his parents are best friends with our friends parents. So whenever they plan stuff we get to all tag along too. There were 18 people all together that came. Obviously it wasn't exactly beach weather in January, but it was warm enough to at least walk on the beach and hangout on the decks.

Kaylee was fabulous all day long both days. Night however was a different story. With that many people up drinking late, it was loud and made it a struggle (aka a total nightmare) to get her to actually sleep. So I was pretty much exhausted by the time we got home Sunday, but other than that it was a great little getaway. I think they are already planning on doing it again next year.

Vince has been super busy at work because of the holidays. Even this week he hasn't been getting home until after Kaylee is already in bed. It sucks. He complains about not getting to see her and I complain about not getting to have dinner together until after 9pm. But oh well, such is life. At least the holidays are over and eventually things will slow down.

This weekend my family is flying to their place in Vermont to go skiing. So Vince, Kaylee and I are all going to drive up after I get done work on Friday. I am SO excited to see them. I saw my mom last month, and my dad and I met for dinner not too long ago while he was here for work for the night. But I haven't seen my sister since August, which is just WAY too long and I miss her like crazy. I am looking forward to finally getting to spend time with just my family, Vince and Kaylee for 3 whole days. It's been too long since I have had all of my favorite people in one place. And I can't wait for them to see how much Kaylee has changed :)

So I never post videos, but this one was too cute not to share. I laugh every time I watch it.

Last night while I was feeding Kaylee she kept reaching up and knocking the spoon out of my hand. I got frustrated and said "NO Kaylee" all loud and serious. I thought it would at least make her stop for a second. Instead, she just laughed. For the next half an hour anytime I said NO she would instantly crack up.

So of course I recorded it and sent it to my mom.

So, please excuse my annoying voice and Kaylee's food covered clothes (I promise my kid is not normally dirty).


Unknown said...

so cute! that's exactly why i started finger foods with santino, he would make dinner time miserable. he also slept horrible when we went to delaware, i ended up just letting hm sleep with us. it's always nice getting back to the normal routine, even if that means going back to work!

Katie @ Loves of Life said...

The video is SO cute. Emeline and I watched it, and when it was over she said "Uh-OH, BABY!"

And I love your little "I promise she's not normally dirty"...I was so like that. Then she became a toddler. And holy cow. I hate when she's dirty but it's SO HARD TO AVOID. Ahh!

She is adorable :)