Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Little Things.

You always hear people saying "it's the little things that mean that most". And lately I am finding that statement to be so very true.

A couple different people have done some really sweet things for me recently that have made me stop and take time to be really grateful for all of the friends in my life.

A couple of my best friends from college were up visiting last month and while we were catching up I told them about a difficult time I had been going through recently. I actually hadn't talked to anyone other than Vince about it and it was nice just being able to have them there to listen. Then a couple weeks later I got a book in the mail from one of the girls. It was a book about someone who had been going through a similar situation. When I realized she sent it and that she had taken the time to do that for me, it brought me to tears. It was something little, that meant so much. It reminded me how lucky I am to blessed with such good friends in my life.

Then last week at work a co-worker and I had been talking about our kids. She has two boys, one is 5 and one is 2. I was asking her for advice on what kind of sippy cups to start Kaylee off with. A couple days after our conversation I came to work and there was a bag sitting on my chair in my office that just had a little note saying "These were the sippy cups my boys liked when they were Kaylee's age." She had taken the time to go out and buy me a couple different kinds to try. It was so kind of her and completely unexpected.

These things may not seem like a big deal to some people, but to me they were. They made me feel cared about and put a smile on my face. It makes me want to try to do more things like this for my friends and people I care about. Vince has always been so good about remembering to do the little things and I need to put more of an effort in doing the same for him too. It's important to remember that doing something small for someone can really make their day. Everyone deserves something sweet like that once in awhile.

So that's my new personal goal, to try to be better about doing the little things for the people in my life.

Happy Wednesday :)


Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Glad to see you back in the blogging world!!! I really hope that whatever it is that's going on, gets better!

Kate Neal said...

I love this so much. It rings so true!

Ashley @ Gratitude and Latitude said...

Perfect! Love this! We should all try and focus more on the little things :)

SEL said...

I'm glad people are bug kind to you. We all need a reminder now and then to do simple things for others. Great post.

SEL said...

*being kind, not bug ;)