Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wishful Wednesday

This weeks Wishful Wednesday topic is:

I wish' .... I had the willpower to 
stay on one particular diet, 
and it would be ____ !

I had to think about this one for a minute.. I am not really big on all the different fad diets out there (and yes I have tried a lot of them in the past), but really a lot of the ones that work aren't actually that healthy. 


SO I think I would really like to have the willpower to stay on a diet like the Atkins diet... BUT not completely cut out carbs, because there are some good carbs that you need. So basically I would want to cut out about 90% of all carbs. Yea Right. That's why this is called Wishful Wednesday.. because even though I would love for that happen, I know I couldn't really stick to it very long. haha ;o)

(make sure to join in the Wishful Wednesday posts over at Kelsey's blog!)


Amy Silver said...

New follower to your blog and I love it! I agree with carbs, haha, I couldn't stick to it very long either!

Beth said...

I LOVE carbs. A loaf of crusty bread does not last long at my house... which is why I don't buy them very often. :) Glad to stumble on your blog!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

My grandmother did this diet and she got really bad kidney stones.....

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

HAHA -- I love your "yeah right," because I am right there with you!