Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wishful Wednesday

This weeks topic:

I wish...  I hadn't thrown away my chance to study abroad in college.
When I was a sophmore at Virginia Tech I thought about taking part in one of the study abroad programs over the summer. I would have finally had the chance to spend a good amount of time in Italy studying and touring. It wasn't a cheap trip and my dad even offered to pay for it... but there were a few reasons I decided not to go.. 1. I felt bad asking him to pay more on top of what he was already paying for college. 2. I didn't work during the school year instead I worked all summer long to save up money so I wasn't too broke all year long and if I went on the trip I wouldn't have had as much time to make the extra cash. And 3. I always looked forward to finally coming back home on summer breaks and getting to see my friends and family.
So I decided not to go and was happy about my decision at the time.. but now looking back I really wish I could take it back and go on the trip. It would definitely have been a once in lifetime type of trip and something I would have loved doing. So now whenever I have a cousin or friend in college who is thinking about going to study abroad I always try to talk them into it. I think it is something eveyone should do if they have the opportunity.
Join in the Wishful Wednesday posts here!

Alright.. enough playing around I have to get going for a networking event for work.... but happy Wednesday everybody! The week is more than halfway over! YAY! :o)


Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

I feel the same way. I could have made a study abroad program work for me and my schedule but I didn't want to give up a chance to act on the collegiate stage. Silly kid. Oh well! Husband took me to Europe for our honeymoon instead. :)

Unknown said...

I feel the same way - one of my biggest regrets from college!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

I did a semester over in England and it was great. I had the chance to go for a year but I couldn't afford it and I wish I could have done it.

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

Ohhh yes, I am RIGHT there with you. I was suppose to go to Oxford and would have been a trip of a lifetime, and I ended up transferring schools and didn't get it go. So depressing!

Aubrey S. said...

That is one of my few regrets about college as well. The reasons that I had for not studying abroad just don't seem to carry the same weight they did then. To have the memories of studying abroad would be worth more.

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Oh...didn't know that. And yes, you missed out girl. But don't feel bad though. :D