Friday, September 9, 2011

Excuse me while I whine for a moment..

Last week I said work was finally starting to slow down. Well, apparently I jinxed it. A couple of days after saying that we got swamped again.

These past two weeks have been way too busy. I feel like I leave work each day with an even longer to-do list that when I got there. It's never ending and I am exhausted.

I was looking forward to a weekend with nothing to do but hangout with my little girl at home in sweats for two days. Then this morning I come to work and get an email saying we all have to work this weekend. Fabulous. 

Normally I wouldn't get too upset about it, because I know it comes with the job. However this weekend Vince is out of town (he's going with the rest of my family to visit my sister at Ole Miss and go to the game. I was supposed to go, but can't really take the time off right now) and that means I don't have him hear to help with Kaylee while I work.

Thankfully, after talking to my office manager she said I could just be on call. Basically get some stuff done from home and just be backup in case they need an extra person at the office. So I am keeping my fingers crossed that they don't end up needing me, because I really need sometime off.

OK.. I'm done whining now. (even though I could whine for a while about how jealous I am that I'm not with my family this weekend!)

Hope you guys all have a nice weekend! HAPPY FRIDAY :)

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