Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday Randoms..

So last night we took out the infant liner in Kaylee's carseat. (in all honesty it probably could have been removed a couple of weeks ago) It made me a little sad to realize how quickly she is growning already.

My mom surprised me Tuesday night by calling and saying she going to fly out here next week to spend a few days with us. My dad is traveling for work and now that my sister is away at school she has the time to visit a little bit more and I love it. There's nothing better than getting a little mom time, and for her to get some time with her granddaughter too ;) (I'm pretty sure she is really coming because she wants to see K, but I'm just glad to have her.. haha)

I'm tired today. I think Kaylee has passed her cold to both Vince and I, but thankfully she seems to be doing a little better. Hopefully in the next couple of days she will be completely back to her normal healthy self.

On Monday Vince got some good news about his job. After a year and a half of him working 8am to 10:30pm, he is finally getting moved up and will be starting a new position full time during the day. It will be SO nice to be a normal family again and get to actually eat dinner together before 11pm for once. I couldn't care less about the pay raise (ok maybe a little), I am just so happy to have him home again. He has a bunch of tests to take (he is there taking his 3rd one as I type this) and then in a couple of weeks he goes away for a week of training and then finally he will be able to start. So at the most we should only have 1 more month left of his current schedule. YAY!

One thing that I will miss once he switches positions are our lunch dates. Right now he has the time to meet me usually once a week to get lunch, but when he starts he won't be able to do that anymore. It was nice having a chance to get out just the two of us even for just a quick meal. I will miss it, but having him home at night is way better. Guess we will just have to plan a couple more actual dates now ;)

Speaking of nights out, one of my best friends wedding is coming up SO soon and I cannot wait!! I love going to weddings, especially when it's one for someone who means so much to me :) We also have one in December for another friend from high school. I'm excited for that one too, but I'm also a little nervous about it. It's in the city and it's a late recepetion so we will be letting Kaylee stay at Vince's aunt's house that night. I know she will be fine and Vince and I need a night off together, but it will be interesting to see who cries more when I drop her off that night. (I'm guessing me.. lol)

I am so ready for a weekend with NO plans. We do not have one single thing that we have to do and I am looking forward to it. I think after all of us being sick this week it's a perfect time to just relax.

Hope everyone is having a good week, it's almost FRIDAY :)


Ashley @ Gratitude and Latitude said...

Congrats to Vince about his job! I'm so happy for you guys that you will be able to have more of a normal family schedule :) Shawn works 7am - 10:30 pm most days (he owns/runs 2 companies) so I know the feeling of never getting that time together. Hopefully we won't be far behind you in a normal schedule change!

Marina said...

It's already Friday.. :) I really like your blog, will be back more often :)