Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Naive First Time Mom

Kaylee is finally sleeping through the night. She goes to bed at 8:30pm and gets up between 6:30 and 7:30 am everyday. It is heaven. I no longer stress about bedtime, I know she will take a bottle and go right to sleep.

Well that is until last night.

Last night I laid her down at 8:30pm thinking I would have a couple of hours to relax before I went to bed and then would get a blissful 8 hours of sleep.


At about 9:00pm I heard her start coughing. I figured she would just put herself back to sleep like normal, no big deal. But within 5 minutes she started fussing, sneezing, more coughing.. so I went up and got her. As soon as I picked her up I could hear how congested she was. Being the naive first time mom that I am I thought OK I will just give her some saline drops to clear her nose and then back to dreamland for the night.

Um, yea. Wrong again.

From this point on the night was just a stuffy, sneezing, coughing, yucky mess. My poor baby girl was up all night trying to breathe. Around midnight we opened up the humidifier and tip-toed out of the room hoping that would finally help.

Nope. Not at all.

By 2am we gave up with trying to keep her in her own room. We ended up bring up her swing and putting it next to our bed. I thought sleeping at an angle might make it easier for her to breathe. I gave her more saline drops, fed her, cuddled with her for a bit and when she finally fell back asleep at 3am I gently laid her in the swing.

Then finally my little girl got some sleep. (not good sleep, she was still coughing/sneezing/etc the rest of the night but at least she wasn't waking up every 20 minutes).

I know it's just a cold and nothing crazy, but she has never been sick before. So to me this is a whole new learning curve and it breaks my heart knowing that she doesn't feel good. I have to say though she has been a good sport so far... she's still smiling and chatting like normal (just a little more stuffy sounding now).

I'm sure we are going to have a few more long nights, but hopefully it won't last too long and soon my baby girl will be back to herself (and back to sleeping through the night again). Because it's only been one night so far and this mama already misses her sleep.


Ashley @ Gratitude and Latitude said...

I hope Kaylee starts to feel better soon and that you all get some rest. Give her extra snuggles and I'm sure she'll be back to herself in no time :)

holly-lynn said...

ugh poor kaylee! i guess it's just that time of the year?

Jeannette said...

Awww poor girl! Hannah had the sniffles over the weekend, too. Glad to hear Miss K is looking brighter this morning :)