Friday, October 7, 2011

11 years already?!

Tomorrow Vince and I will have been together for 11 years.

Sometimes I'm not even sure how that's possible. Where did the time go?

Looking back to when I was 15, I never could have imagined just how far we would have come.

Starting off as kids just trying to survive those crazy high school years. Then somehow managing to make a long distance relationship work while living in different states for 4 years during college. To finally graduating, moving home, finding jobs, getting engaged and then married. My family moving away. Buying our first house, then choosing to sell it. Me starting a new job. Buying our second home just to have the builder go bankrupt and take half of our money. Getting pregnant! Finally settling the house issues and looking for a new place (after a year of legal battles). Having our beautiful baby girl and learning the joys (and at times stress) of being first time parents. Moving into our new home. Vince finally getting the job he wanted (after having to work part time at night for a year and a half to get it). All the while still trying to figure out life, love, marriage, and all of the things in between.

It has not always been easy. We've had our fair share of ups and downs along the way and we have things we still need to work on, but at the end of the day we're happy. He's my best friend, an amazing father, and my partner in everything. There are a ton of things we want to accomplish and dreams we hope to reach one day, but for now I am just proud of where we are. 

So Vince, while we may not celebrate our dating anniversary anymore I want you to know that you mean everything to me and on October 8th I will always love looking back and remembering just how far we've come.  I love you always and forever.

1 comment:

SEL said...

How sweet! Happy 11 year dating anniversary!