Friday, October 14, 2011

5 months

I know I say this all of the time, but I feel like Kaylee is getting so big SO fast! I can't believe she is now 5 months old! (technically she was 5 months last week on the 6th)

 I don't normally do a post for each month, but this month I feel like I should at least document it somehow because she has just changed so much!

Each day I see her learning or doing something new.

She has discovered the world of toys. She used to just stare and swat at toys on her play mat. Then a couple months ago she started holding rattles or small toys, but now she is actually playing with toys. She has a bunch that light up and play music that can keep her entertained for awhile. Her favorite right now is this caterpillar that when she hit it's legs different sounds or songs play. I love watching how excited she gets while she plays.

Over the past couple of weeks she has started sitting up and rolling over. She isn't rolling all over the room yet, just flipping from front to back (she's still not a fan of being on her stomach) and then occasionally back to front when there's a toy or something she is reaching for. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before I lay her on the floor and come back and can't find her because she has rolled to the other side of the room ;)

Every night she eats solids for dinner. We mix some kind of fruit or veggies with a little rice cereal. When she first started about a month ago she wouldn't eat too much, but now she usually eats an entire jar of food. She has tried bananas, apples, carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, and peas. So far I haven't found anything she won't eat, but green beans seem to be her favorite for now.

The first few months of sleeping were a challenge, but since then she has been pretty good.  I give her a bath at 8 and by 8:30 (at the latest) she is asleep. She usually sleeps straight through until morning now. There are still times where she wakes up in middle of the night, but if she does she is up for about 15 minutes and then goes back to sleep pretty easily. Typically she wakes up between 6 and 6:30am, but everyday can be different. Sometimes it's as early as 5am and other times (like today) it's as late as 7:30am. I prefer the latter of the two.

I'm not sure her exact weight right now since we didn't have an appointment this month, but at 4 months she was 15lbs and 25 1/2 inches. She was in the 80th percentile for weight and 90th for height, so she's a big little girl ;)
Overall Vince and I are proud to see her thriving and growing constantly, but mostly we just love that she is so happy now. As I've mentioned before she was colicy in the beginning and then around 3 months started medicine for acid reflux so it took awhile to get everything sorted out. But now she is feeling better and is filling our days with lots of smiles and laughing constantly.
Can't wait to see what the next few months bring once she starts getting more mobile and able to really start exploring ;)

Love that smile.

The many faces of Miss Kaylee Rae

Happy Friday :)


Kate Neal said...

She is such a doll Jenna! I can't believe the last time I saw her was on the day she was born<3 I'm due for a visit, lol!

Shellsea said...

She's adorable!! I love blogging as a way to record their milestones. I'm pretty bad at updating the "actual" baby book.

Mrs Wacker said...

She's a lil beauty!!

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