Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dinner in or out?

If you asked me that question last year I would have most definitely said OUT.

Vince and I used to go out to dinner all of the time. Now, we hardly ever go out.

When I was pregnant I thought I would miss being able to go out whenever. And of course at times I do, but to be honest I now love staying in.

I like staying home and making dinner together. We eat early, spend time playing on the floor with Kaylee, give her a bath and rock her to sleep. Then on the weekends we usually end up sharing a bottle of wine and watching a movie.

When we stay home it's easy. We don't have to pack bottles, diapers, and toys. We don't have to rush and  try to keep her entertained long enough to finish our meals before she starts squirming to get out of her seat.  At home we can relax.

She has her all of things there and is always so content. We don't have to worry about her getting fussy and annoying other customers. She's just happier at home. So we have become happier at home too.

Don't get me wrong we still go out and she is usually pretty good while we're there, but I just don't ever feel like I can sit back and enjoy dinner. I know it's more in my head than anything else, but I'm always nervous she's might start screaming for no reason (which she doesn't) so I want to order, eat and get home.

So these days when given the option I almost always choose to stay home. A year ago I probably would have thought it would be boring, but these days? I really enjoy it. A weekend at home with my family is perfection. Plus as an added bonus we save some money and I'm learning to cook more ;)


SEL said...

I don't worry when we take M out because thankfully, she's an easy baby, like K seems to be. But, I do totally understand what you're saying. I'm learning to cook more too!

Besides, staying comfy at home & saving money? Hard to beat!

Jeannette said...

Definitely agree with you on this one! I'm worried about becoming "those parents" who never go out anymore, but it's important to find the best balance for all three of you. My favorite quick-fix meal at home is a one-pan meal. Brown chicken thighs, then take them out to start the yellow rice. Add water, stir, and throw the chicken back in. Add frozen peas for the last 5 minutes. Takes about 1/2 hour and tastes great. Plus, you can keep all the ingredients on hand so it's always an option.