Wednesday, October 12, 2011

All Over the Place

My head is all over the place today, so as a result you get a very random post with a little bit of everything. Enjoy ;)

I have been so tired the past few days and just can't seem to shake it. My daughter actually sleeps most nights (knock on wood), so I can't really blame her anymore but I feel like a walking zombie.


This past weekend Vince went to Missouri to do something for my dad so Kaylee and I stayed home all weekend long. It was kind of nice to be at home with nothing we had to do, we could just in comfy clothes and lounge around all weekend. (we may have done just a little shopping too ;))


I jumped on the bandwagon and bought season 1 of Friday Night Lights and started that while Vince was away. I have to say it really is a good show, definitely sad at times but still so good. I only have 2 episodes left (I stayed up way too late watching this show.. maybe that's why I've been so tired..)in this season and will be going to go pick up season 2 right away. (yes I know I could just get it through netflix, but for some reason I almost always buy dvds. I like having a large movie collection. Plus both my mom and sister want me to pass these on to them when I'm done so they will definitely get used)


Speaking of TV shows, I think I have a serious addiction. I watch way too many shows. Plus with the addition of all of the new shows this season my DVR is now always full. I can't help it, after Kaylee's in bed I love to just relax and watch all the stupid drama.  My new favorites are Heart of Dixie (LOVE this show! Plus for you FNL fans Jason Street is the main guy in the show) and Secret Circle. My older favorites are still Gossip Girl and Grey's, Vince actually watches these ones with me which is nice. Not to mention all of the reality shows like Project Runway, Dance Moms, and anything with the Kardashians. See? I told you I have a problem.

Lately I keep going back and forth about what I want to do with work. I don't want to get too into this right now, but long story short I got a job offer which would have involved us moving about 15 hours away. Before the offer came we had discussed the possibility of moving and both agreed we wanted to, but then the day before I got the offer Vince got a new position at work. So we went back and forth on which was better for us and decided to stay here.

I wasn't actually looking for a new job before I was informed about that position, but now I'm not sure what I want to do. Do I want to stay where I am and go part time? Or just continue with what I am doing and stay full time? Should I look for something new all together or try to stay home instead? Ahh.. I'm not normally this indecisive, but I literally change my mind every single day. Oh well, guess I will eventually figure it out.


On a more exciting note.. My mom and dad are in Vegas right now. (he has a convention for work and she tagged along to go to the spa.. yes I am jealous of her life right now..) Anyways, she called me last night and said she told my dad she wants to take a girls trip with just me, her and my sister to Vegas later this year for her 50th birthday. Hells yes. I have been to Vegas a few times in the past for work, but never for a vacation. Plus a trip with my mom and sister anywhere sounds fabulous to me. So hopefully we can figure out a time between my sisters college schedule and my work schedule to actually make it happen, because it sounds like a perfect idea ;) 


This weekend 2 of my best friends from college are coming to visit and I can't wait! It's been too long and we have SO much to catch up on. I think a girls weekend is just what the Doctor ordered ;)

Alright well that's it for now.. hope you all are having a good week so far!


SEL said...

Sounds like you have a lot going on!

I wish I was having a girls weekend! I miss my bff's!

And a trip to Vegas? Sounds like fun!

Jeannette said...

I vote for stay at home mom. There are lots of ways to save money when you have the time in the house so it's not as big of an income loss as you think... Plus I know someone who would like a playdate friend :)

Anonymous said...

It will only get harder to move the older your kids get. If you are moving closer to your Mom and sister, I say DO IT!!! You will never regret that decision.

Shellsea said...

I'm up way too late and wandered on to your blog from Neely's blog. I clicked on your comment because you loved Dawson's Creek just like me!

Then I saw you were a 20 something mom, then read you are SK alum it was at that point I was up for a longer period of time and knew I had to comment. So, hello!

(I'm 20 something also, a wife and mom, and part of the best sorority 1 <3 1 ->)

To comment on this post: I also watch entirely to much television and since the days of DC I'm addicted to the CW. :-) and live entirely to far from my mom and 3 sisters.

Such a long comment- sorry!