Friday, October 21, 2011


Sorry I have been completely MIA, but it's just been on those weeks. I am very much looking forward to a weekend to relax and spend time with my family. Hope everyone has a good weekend! TGIF :)


This week was the first official week of Vince working his new job. Which means it was the first week in a year and half that I had a husband home at night during the week. I don't think I realized how much I had missed having him there just to hangout with, help with Kaylee, and have dinner with. I actually made dinner every night and we were able to eat at a normal time instead of 11pm like we've gotten used to. To say it is a nice change, would be an extreme understatement.


The lady who watches Kaylee during the week at daycare is also going to watch her for a couple of hours on Saturday night. Vince's parents are taking the family out for a nice dinner to celebrate Vince's new job and the place they picked isn't really a kid friendly type of restaurant. So, she said she would watch her for us. It's only a couple of hours and I am obviously comfortable leaving Kaylee with her (probably more comfortable with her than almost anyone else), but for whatever reason I still just don't like leaving her in the evenings like that. I wish we had earlier reservations so I could be home in time for her bath and to put her to bed. I know it will be nice to get out, but I also know I will be checking my watch constantly and wanting to get home to go get her. I hate being like that, and am hoping as she gets older I will learn to relax and enjoy my time out a little more.


This weekend it's supposed to be sunny and in the 60s. Which is perfect fall weather. I love it. I want to find something for us to do outside on Sunday as a family. Last Sunday we went to a local pumpkin patch and just walked around and got a few things from the store there. Kaylee is obviously too little to really care, but she likes being in her stroller and being outside. Maybe we will just walk to the park and put her in the swings (which she loves).  Can't wait for next year when she is old enough to start enjoying hayrides and all those types of fall activities :)


I forgot to add in Kaylee's 5 month post that she finally got her first tooth! It came in on Tuesday last week. I have tried multiple times to get a picture of it, but it's on the bottom and she keeps sticking her tongue out and covering it up haha. Thankfully she didn't get too fussy, if it weren't for the insane amounts of drool I wouldn't have known she was teething. I am wondering if part of her being sick this week has to do with her getting more teeth soon??


The past few days I have heard people mention Christmas shopping. I haven't even thought about Christmas yet. I don't know what to get Vince for our anniversary in November, let alone what to get for Christmas. I guess I need start making lists for what to get for everyone, but seriously where did the year go?? Last Christmas I was finding out whether we were having a boy or a girl and this year I will have a 7 month old! Crazy how things change in a year!


Happy Friday :)

1 comment:

Ashley @ Gratitude and Latitude said...

So glad Vince's schedule changed for you guys :) I'm sure that is so nice to have him home with you and Kaylee!