Monday, October 5, 2009

Not Me Monday..

Ugh is the weekend really over already? Well, guess that means it's time for the "not me monday" post...

I did not sleep in until 11am on Sunday and then go downstairs and lay on the couch watching tv for hours while my husband went grocery shopping and other things... nope not me, i'm never that lazy.

I did not throw clothes into the dryer on Saturday and then let them just sit there knowing they will be all wrinkled just because I don't feel like folding them... of course not, I am a much better housewife than that.

I did not leave my office and go home to finish up work last week when I saw a big bug walking around my desk... nope not me, I am not scared of a bug. (but seriously that thing was BIG and had lots of legssss)

I did not spend the first hour (or more) of my day today checking out all of my favorite celebrity blogs... I am not that obsessed with celebrity gossip. Nope not me.

(join in the "not me! monday" posts at MckMama's blog)


Annie said...

haha, i love these posts! i have yet to particpate but i love reading others ;)

lazy weekends are the best! my weekend sounds very similar to yours.

Katie @ Loves of Life said...

Jenna--THANK You for giving to the mattress cause! Seriously--every bit counts and I can't wait to post when the kids get their mattresses.

Thanks again :)