Friday, March 11, 2011

Weekly Bump Updates

Before I get into my normal post, I just have to say I (probably like most people) have been glued to the news all morning about everything happening in Japan and Hawaii. The footage from Japan is indescribable, it's hard to even believe that it's real. I can't imagine what all of those people are going through right now. It really puts some of our issues and every day complaints into perspective and makes you focus on what is and isn't important. My heart goes out to all those dealing with this disaster.

I know I should have a weekly picture with my bump update... but I wrote this last night and Vince wasn't home to take one and this morning before I left for work I completely forgot about it. SO I will definitely make sure to get a new picture before next weeks update!

How far along: at about 33-34 weeks (depending on if we are going by my original due date of April 29th or the updated due date of April 22nd.. it's kind of weird not having an exact date to count down to anymore haha)

Total weight gain/loss:  I had my Dr's appt Tuesday and I have put on 2 lbs since my last appt (2 weeks ago)... so still gaining about about a 1lb a week, making the total 16 lbs so far...

Maternity clothes: Same as before.. some maternity pants, but mainly wearing leggings or dresses with tights to avoid having to buy too many maternity clothes.

Stretch marks: still none, for now at least... hoping it stays that way. ha.

Sleep: Some days aren't too bad, but still getting up about 2 times a night to pee

Best moment this week: packing her diaper bag and picking out her outfit to take her home from the hospital in. It made me so excited, I couldn't stop smiling the whole time I was getting everything together.

Movement: all day long :)

Food cravings: fruit is the only consistent food craving I have had throughout this pregnancy... not that I don't eat junk food too (because trust me I DO) but I just don't crave it the way I crave fruit.

What I miss: turkey hoagies (the Dr said to avoid deli meats while pregnant and it has not been easy.. I really miss being able to just have a normal sandwich for lunch haha)

Anything making you queasy or sick: I have started waking up in the middle of the night feeling nauseous almost every single night, but not sure why..
Gender: Little Lady <3

Labor Signs: nothing more than some random contractions, which have been going on for awhile now so nothing out of the norm.

Belly Button in or out? still in for the moment (and still praying it stays that way lol).

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Weekly Wisdom: Don't rush. Obviously I want to meet my little girl SO badly.. but I also know that she will be here when the time is right. Besides I would rather her be late than to come too early and have to go to the NICU instead of being able to come home right away with me. So I am not going to hope to have her soon.. I'll just hope to have her healthy, whenever that may be.

Milestones: Finally feeling ready for the baby. Not that I (or anyone really) is ever fully ready for all the changes a baby brings... but I at least feel prepared. The car seat is in my car (thank you vince), the stroller is in my trunk, and the swing, bouncy seat, pack n' play, and a bunch of other random pieces of baby gear are all set up and ready for whenever she decides to come. (which as I mentioned right before this, I don't want to be anytime too soon) The nursery is also ready and fully stocked with clothes, diapers, wipes, etc.. but it still needs some finishing touches as far as the decorating goes.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend! I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing ;)


Katie @ Loves of Life said...

I'm so so excited for you guys :)

It's a great feeling to feel 'prepared'. Really! Enjoy the last few weeks of whatever you want. Go on lots of spontaneous dates. And enjoy those nesting urges. I SO MISS "the urge" to just clean things from top to bottom. My house went un-cleaned for probably 5-6 weeks after she got here. Ha.

angela.kolachny said...

its getting closer and closer everytime you do a new post:o) I can imagine you smiling as you pack the hospital bags, so sweet! next time I come home I wanna see her nursery!