Wednesday, August 17, 2011

My new goal

My friend Kate posted the other day about a cook-off she and her husband had with some of their friends. This made me start thinking about my cooking skills. (it also made me hungry just looking at the pictures!)

Before getting married I knew nothing about cooking. (seriously you would have been shocked at how little I knew)

So one of my major goals the first couple years of being married was learning how to cook.

So after 2 1/2 years of marriage I can now honestly say that I can cook.

I can easily follow recipes and put together a decent dinner for just Vince and I. Or I can make most of your basic meals without having to look at a cookbook. I've hosted plently of parties and had holiday dinners at my house making all of the major food items for the whole family.

BUT none of that qualifies me as being a "good" cook, more so it just shows that I know how to cook. I always comment about how my mom and my grandmom are good cooks. I swear they know how to make anything and it always comes out amazing. There's always something different to try when they make family dinners, insteead of being like me and just having the same old thing all of the time.

I want to be a good cook.

I want to learn to make all kinds of things and come up with some of my own ideas.

I know that this is something that takes time to learn to do, but I want to make this a new goal for myself. At least once a week I want to make something new and start expanding my basic cooking skills. So that maybe one day my grandkids will say what a good cook their grandmother is ;)

Now I just need to start looking for some new recipes..


Madeleine said... - amazing recipes, low calories!!!

you can also start a site where you can bookmark your favorites! me and michelle both do that, and it helps keep track of what recipes we like!! mine is mfuster and hers is mfalletti!

yayyy for cooking!

Kate Neal said...

This is so cute! & I failed to mention that I did NOT take part in the cook-off at all-I just ate, LOL! Good for you! You are going to beat me at wife & MOM of the year (2nd one was a given, ha!)