Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Sorry I've been MIA lately! I'm really disappointed with myself that I haven't posted anything in a week. I've been trying to get better with keeping up with this, but the past week has just been crazy busy. I normally try to write these at night after K goes to bed, but I have been coming home so exhausted that by the time she goes to sleep I am too lazy to do anything at all. Pathetic, but true. So anyways, things are slowing down again now so I am planning on getting back on track.

On top of work being busy, the little miss decided recently she wasn't a fan of sleeping. For 4 nights in a row she literally would not sleep. I could get her to bed pretty easy, but she would be up about every hour or 2 the entire night. So frustrating. Before that she had gotten pretty good at sleeping and I was getting used to getting to sleep again too. Guess, she thought it was best to keep me on my toes. Thankfully though the past couple of nights it seems that she has gotten back to her normal sleep routine. Hopefully.

Before her little sleep refusal started, Vince and I were actually talking about baby #2. No, we weren't meaning we wanted to try right this moment. BUT, we were saying we wanted our kids to be close in age, and we wouldn't mind starting again soon, and blah blah blah. Well, now after those 4 days? I think I'm back to thinking that Kaylee is going to have to wait awhile for sibling..

On a completely random note.. during my lunch break today I ran to Babies R Us to get 1 thing. Well, of course as I'm walking back to the front to check out, I start browsing the clothing section and by the time I went to actually check out my arms were full. Why does that always seem to happen to me? In my defense, they were having some good sales though and some of the stuff on clearance was just too cheap not to get! ;)
OK I'm off to a meeting, but hope everyone is having a good week so far. At least it's already halfway over!

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