Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's the little things..

..that matter the most.

The past few weeks I have really been trying to be grateful for all of the little things in my life, especially all of the simple and sweet things my husband does for me...

He knows just how I like my hot tea and makes it for me at night when I'm cold.

He cleans off my car when it snows and washes it when it's dirty.

He lets me tuck my freezing cold toes under his warm legs when we go to sleep.

He watches the bachelor and project runway, and even picks favorites just to pretend to be interested because he knows I like it.

He doesn't complain if I come home after a long day and want to lay on the couch all night watching one tree hill episodes... (and went to buy me the next season when I finished the last disc, without me even having to ask)

He knows my favorite foods to get if I'm hungover on a Saturday morning. 

Or like tonight when he remembered from a couple of weeks ago that I saw a commercial for yoga pants on sale at old navy and picked them up on his way home from work, just because he knew I wanted them.

It's not about big gifts and money, it's about finding something to be happy about on a day to day basis. No marriage is perfect, and it sure as heck is not always easy. There are always going to be ups and downs, good days and bad days.. but in the end it's about knowing what's important and learning to cherish all of the little things <3


Aubrey said...

Sounds like you've got a keeper. Who says men don't get sappy if they're in love =)

Jenna said...

Your husband sounds really sweet! It sounds like you two are really happy and have fun together!

Carrie said...

Aww, so sweet! I hope your husband reads this. :) You are both lucky to have each other!