Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wishful Wednesday

'I wish' .... I could have worn the gown that Olivia Wilde wore at the 67th Annual Golden Globes Award!

I really like this sparkly Gucci gown that she wore with Tiffany's jewelry and Jimmy Choo shoes. (I also wouldn't mind having her body too!) I think it's fun, sexy, and glamorous all in one. Plus my FAVORITE part of her dress is that she auctioned it off after the event and the money she gets for it is all being donated to HAITI. So it's fashionable and charitable... can't go wrong with that ;)

Now it's your turn, join in the Wishful Wednesday posts at and tell us whose dress you want :)


Sam said...

This was one of my favorites! Awesome choice!

I had no idea she donated the money to Haiti -- that's so amazing. Now I like it even better! :)

Jenna said...

Oh THis was my favorite!!! She looked so hot in it..I would totally kill for her body! I think it's awesome that she auctioned it off for charity..if I was rich I would've totally bought it!

Kelly said...

I loooved this dress too! I had forgotten that I heard that she was going to auction off the dress. That is soo kind of her! I could never imagine wearing that low cut of a dress and feeling comfortable though, good for her ;-) Great choice!

Marian said...

Olivia did look fabulous!! And the fact that the money is going to charity is perfect!! Great pick