Monday, February 15, 2010

10 years from now...

What better way to start off a Monday at work (when everyone else has off for President's day) than getting an award ;) Selma at Crazy Little World of Mine passed on this on to me, so make sure to check out her blog too!

"This award means you're really going places, Baby. You'll still be blogging about your great adventures 10 years from now, and I'll still be reading them."

So the rules for this award are that I have to post where I would like to be in 10 years and then pass it on to 10 other blog friends..
Instead of just passing it on to 10 of you I am passing it to all of you, because I want to hear everyone's answer to where they think they will be in 10 years! ;o)
So, where do I think I will be in 10 years? Hopefully still doing what I am doing now... being happily married, enjoying my job, still staying close with my family and best friends, and just living life. I mean maybe if you added in a couple kids, another dog for Ty to play with, and a larger house that wouldn't be so bad either ;)

1 comment:

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

So welcome girl. :D

have a great day.
