Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Snowed In :)

At 4pm yesterday the office manager let everyone know the office would be closed today due to the snow storm coming. I was SO excited! I haven't had a snow day since school and it makes me feel like a kid again haha. 

Vince found out he was off too, so he called one of his best friends Dave to come over last night to get snowed in with us. We rented a couple movies and drank a little wine (well they drank beer, I had wine) Then this morning I got up early to get some work done so that I can have the rest of the afternoon to just relax with the boys. 

I got this in an email yesterday and I thought it described our current situation pretty well haha...

I also just saw that Kelly at Keeping up with Kelly & Co passed on this sunshine award to me. Kelly's blog is super cute and always one of the first that I check in the mornings! So thanks Kelly for the award, it's nice to add a little sunshine to a cloudy snowy day :)

Happy Wednesday everyone, only 2 more days till the weekend!


Kelly said...

Oh my, your day sounds like too much fun. Reminds me SO much of when we were young and I would have my friends spend the night when snow days were inevitable! FUN! :-D

Wish we could have snow days up here in Minnesota! Unfortunately, snow comes with the territory, so we're ALWAYS equipped to handle it, boo :-(

Hope you have a fantastic day!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

This is fun! I want a weather forecast like this too. ;)
And yes, let me get some wine now...because we're almost snowed in today. :( So not good!!!! :(

Hope you're having a great day!

Carrie said...

Being snowed in does sound like fun (as long as you have power and it's not for too long)! I was actually wishing for a little snow this morning after seeing the storms on the news, just so I could stay home and enjoy a relaxing day. But I know it's a pain for a lot of people too!

Meredith said...

I'm in Oregon, where it's been unseasonably warm this winter. I'm kind of jealous of all the snow!

angela.kolachny said...

yuck! this snow isn't even pretty now:o( how is ty doing? does he like it? cheers girl! I like the map, that was too funny!

holly-lynn said...

haha i've tried so many new red wines the past two weeks being snowed in! i'm hoping for another snow day tomorrow!

Jessica @ Wanting Adventure said...

I'm so jealous - it seems like everyone in the west/midwest is getting snow days.

Enjoy it!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Haha! I love that photo. Right now I'm stuck in the "Buy a boat" section but it did snow here.