Friday, February 12, 2010

So Excited :)

I am SO excited to be leaving in a couple of hours to go skiing with my family for the weekend! My mom, dad, sister, and her boyfriend Nick all flew in last night, so they are already skiing in Vermont as I speak type. They were here for Christmas, so it hasn't been too long since I have seen them, but I still can't wait! This will be the first time in over 2 years that the whole family will be at our place in Vermont together. Vince and I have gone plenty of times since then and my dad and Vince have gone, but we haven't all been able to go together.. so it will be a nice little weekend getaway.

Since it's Friday I figured I would participate in Lauren's "Fill in the blank Friday"

1. I am hoping my Valentine's day this year includes... an afternoon spent skiing with my family, and an evening with Vince and I , driving safely home to Ty <3

2. My biggest guilty pleasure is.. hmm i have a lot, but currently it would be Lauren Conrad's book "Sweet Little Lies"
3. I am most proud of... I guess just where I am right now in life.. i'm proud of being a wife, a homeowner, a mom to Ty ;) and finding a job I like and being pretty good at it.

4. If I could choose one outfit to live in it would be black leggings, knit uggs, a long comfy (but cute) sweater over top of a long tank, and maybe throw in some bangles and cute earrings ;) 

5. People are Crazy. (you know like the song.. "god is great, beer is good, and people are crazy" haha)
6. I would rather be skiing right now than sitting at my desk at work.

7. I love my husband more than anything <3

I am also happy today because one of my best friends Angela gave me an award this morning.  So many thanks to Angela, and everyone make sure to check out her super cute blog :)

The rules of the award are:
1. Share six blogs that you think are over the top and exciting
2. let all of the ladies know they've won the award
3. Smile and pat yourself on the back for winning the award

So I would like to pass this award on to 6 ladies whose blogs I love to read and always find entertaining :)

Happy Friday! Hope you all have a great weekend :)


Jenna said...

Aw thanks!!! I'm so jealous that you can just go skiing on the weekends :( we have to drive days to get to any type of ski area.

Have Fun!!!

Sam said...

Your fave outfit sounds cute and comfy! And I wish I were skiing too :)

Neely said...

Thanks lady...I am jealous of your trip however Dallas is full of snow so Im half tempted to get a sled :)

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

Aw, thanks for the award! Have a great time with your family!

Lauren @The Little Things We Do.... said...

congrats on your award!

your guilty pleasure read has intrigued me. i may have to get ahold of this book :).

thanks for playing along and filling in the blanks this week!

hope you had a lovely v-day!
