Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I gave in...

.. and had a Chick-fil-a milkshake. 

For years now I have been hearing all about how good their milkshakes are, but have never given in and actually had one. (Hello.. have you heard how many calories are in one?!?!

My uncle who owns a Chick-fil-a sent Vince and I coupons for some free ones and after about 3 months of them sitting on top of my fridge, I finally went last night and got one (a chocolate one). 

Oh. My. Goodness. They are SO good. (and this is coming from someone who doesn't even really like ice cream!)

Now the problem is convincing myself not to get another one... because seriously, 750 calories for one drink CAN'T be healthy! haha

and now because it's Wednesday (yay the week is more than halfway over!) I want to join in Wishful Wednesday at Kelsey's blog!

This weeks topic:

'I wish' .... I could play a character's role in a book and it would be Bella from The Twilight Series!
 This really doesn't need too much of an explanation, because I mean who wouldn't want to have Edward and Jacob fighting over you ;) and I would really like to be Bella in the movies too.. 

ok, that's all for now... I'm off to curl up on the couch and watch American Idol with Vince. 

Hope you guys have a good night!


Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

OMG! I had no idea there was THAT many calories in one of them. I knew there was a lot but wow!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

I do have to admit I'm loving their shakes, and I'm gonna get myself one next month. YES, next month. ;)
I know they're full of calories and crazy stuff that my tummy might not even like but I'm gonna have one. One once a year doesn't hurt. :)

And yay on the WW series. Yes, Bella's a great choice too. :) Two guys fighting over you...I wouldn't be complaining at all. ;)

Have a great day girl.


Katie @ Loves of Life said...

YIKES! 750 calories! Even scares a pregnant woman, haha. But wow...that picture makes them look sooooo good and I'm contemplating saying SCREW it and getting one anyway, hahaha...

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

So you teased me with Chick Fil A, and I am not sure if we can be friends anymore -- haha! I miss their entire MENU!!!

AND, Bella would be amazing!