Monday, March 29, 2010

Not Me Monday

I am not SUPER busy today (so please forgive me if this is short, or if there are typos because I am typing this super fast! haha)... and also not proud of how much I got accomplished on a Monday!

I did not have a great time on Saturday at Shelley's shower and bachelorette party. (It's always nice to have nights out with just the girls!) 

I did not literally just get a picture message from my best friend Kaitlin (while actually typing this post) of her new baby niece, who was just born! She is not SO freaking adorable!!.. and no it did not make me think about having babies... haha ;)

Vince and I did not drop Ty off at the groomers yesterday and then spend ALL afternoon driving around looking at houses. I do not love this part of buying a new house. (but seriously.. I get so happy looking at all the different places.. it's like an obsession)

and speaking of obsessions.. I am NOT 100% addicted to watching HGTV. It is not on all the time at my house.

I am not looking forward to leaving work soon to go meet Angela and Steph for dinner. I do not love getting together with them just to hang out and catch up for a little bit!

I did not get excited yesterday when Vince said he wanted to go to Ruth's Chris Tuesday night for dinner. (as a way of celebrating selling our first house!) and no it does not make me smile that I do not have to cook dinner tonight or tomorrow ;o) haha

Hope you all are having a good Monday! (1 day down, 4 to go!)

(Make sure to join in the Not Me Monday fun over at MckMama's blog!)


Carrie said...

Congrats on selling your house! I love looking at homes too. I hope you continue to have fun looking!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Hope you had an awesome night girl!!!!!! :)

Vanessa said...

Girls nights out are always so much fun and an essential in any lady's life!

Crazy Shenanigans-JMO said...

That's great about the house! I know what you mean about HGTV. I watch that channel all the time!

Susan said...

I have left you an award over on my blog! Check it out:) I LOVE Ruth's Chris too!!